Ruh ki Barrish
A hindi praise and prayer gathering every Friday starting at 7pm followed by ghar kakhana (dinner).
Hosted by Ps Anil & Reena Kant.
Also live streamed on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hillschurchnz

mainly music
Mainly music offers parents and preschoolers a dynamic 30 minutes of music, fun as they learn motor skills, coordination, vocabulary, speech, and socialize.
Occurs every Thursday of the school term at 9.30am at Hills Church.
$4 per child ($40 per term) or $5 per family (or $50 per term).

Hills Kids
At Hills Kids and Hills Junior we are passionate about our children having great time at church. Each week our programme is filled with crazy games, interesting object lessons, stories and videos, teaching, crafts, worship and a whole heap of fun!
Our focus is to see children to develop and deepen their relationship with God.
A creche space is provided for infants and parents to use at any point during the service.

Vital is our youth group, aimed for anyone in high-school, facilitated by an amazing team of passionate leaders with a heart to see young people come to know the good news of the Gospel.
Our heart is to help young people connect with Jesus and develop a personal relationship with him.
This occurs every Thursday at 7pm during the school term.

Front Line Youth is our intermediates ministry and runs in the Youth Loft during the 10am service plus other social activities like E-Camp.

Hills Vital Groups
Our small groups are called Vital Groups because we see these are vital parts of our community where spiritual and kingdom life is grown.
These occur across the week at multiple locations-hopefully we can find one suited for you.

Community Foodbank
As a way to service individuals in need of food or other household items we have a great team of volunteers who prepare and hand out parcels during the week. This is a great opportunity to minister to the community during the week.
If you are needing assistance please fill out the below form:

Lifequip/prayer ministry
The main goal of Lifequip (discipleship) is to help people love all of God with all of themselves and to live the kingdom life He intended.
For people to do this, all of them (their Spirit, their Soul ((mind/emotions)) and their Body) – needs to be discipled.
As part of the Lifequip (discipleship) process is the healing of our spirit, mind and emotions and this needs to happen at the same time as we learn about God and grow in our relationship with him. Even if we have walked with God over many years, there are often issues that arise that need healing.
If you’d like to know more about please feel free to get in touch.

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions involving a short and engaging talk and open discussion in a relaxed setting. It’s an opportunity to hear from others and if you want to share your own perspective.
Millions worldwide have attended Alpha – come along, bring family and friends and try Alpha for yourself.
Hills Hospital Ministry
A team provide a monthly service to a local hospital providing those unable to attend a church service a vital resource.

Hills Men’s Ministry
Open to any Men interested in connecting, learning, and supporting each in our walk as Christians over some food or even outdoor activities.
Currently occurs over a monthly breakfast at a local café.