Small Groups


What are they all about?

Small groups are great places for getting to know people and feeling at home in the church family. Our small groups are called Vital groups, because we believe our small groups are a Vital part of Hills Church family life.

In a Vital small group, you will be encouraged to discover and grow in your understanding and relationship with God, His word and His kingdom, and live out the kingdom life he’s called you to live.

You will also find a place where meaningful and loving relationships are built through discovery of new insights, understanding of God’s word, prayer and spiritual ministry.

The great variety of Vital Small Groups at Hills will enable you to find a place that is well suited to your life situation. Our Vital groups comprise a whole mixture of ages including young adults, young mums, married, and seniors.

If you would like to join a Vital Group at Hills Church contact Pastor Glenn or Lauryn and they will be delighted to help you get connected to a Vital group.




In our Vital small groups we desire to grow together in friendly, caring family like small groups. These are places where you can really get to know other people.




Vital groups are places where you’ll be encouraged and helped to grow as a kingdom disciple.




Encouraging and supporting one another in our kingdom life and kingdom ministry is a key component of a Vital group.




Our Vital groups times together are an enriching experience where people are edified through spiritual worship, prayer, God’s word and Spirit inspired ministry. In our Vital groups we encourage people to minister to one another through the gifts and in the power of the Holy Spirit.




We are intentional about supporting and growing great Vital Group Leaders. Our leaders regularly meet together for a time of encouragement, prayer, accountability and input.